
Live Scan service

We are a fully certified Live Scan provider.  We efficiently process Live Scan fingerprints for those in need of having a Live Scan completed.  We operate by appointment only.  We also offer mobile service as well as contracted services for employers who frequently require Live Scans.

Who needs a Live Scan?

Various organizations are required by law to Live Scan their employees or volunteers.  In order for these organizations to allow their employees or volunteers to have a Live Scan, they submit an application to the State.  Once the application is approved the employer is then given a specific ORI number which is then placed on Live Scan Request form. 

Who typically needs a Live Scan? People who work with children, the elderly, disabled individuals or people who are seeking certain professional licenses or certificates.  Some of these include but are not limited to

Who receives the results?

The requesting Agency listed on the “request for Live Scan” document is the only organization that will receive the results.  Live Scan Services in Hemet will not be able to see any results of the background check.

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